On 7/31/23 construction crews will begin renovating the front lobby of the Black Hawk County Sheriff's Office.  The Sheriff's Office will remain open for business; however there will likely be some disruptions and delays due to the work being done.

Local video visits for the jail will take place on the first floor of the courthouse for the duration of the project.  In order to abide by the hours the courthouse is open, local visits will be limited to 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday.  Evening visitation hours will resume upon completion of the renovation.  I apologize for this inconvenience, and I assure you we'll return to normal visitation hours as soon as possible.  As always, there is no fee for a local visit.

The project is expected to be completed by the end of the year.  Until then, I ask that everyone be patient with us as we upgrade and update our facilities so we can better serve the public in the future.

Thank you,

Captain Nathan Neff
Jail Administrator

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For more information contact:
Tony Thompson, Sheriff
Black Hawk County Sheriff’s Office
(319) 291-2587 ext. 5108